When preparing for severe weather, there is one thing that you should always keep in mind- your finances. Both personal and professional finances should be in place before a major storm hits. There are many steps you can take to make sure that you are ready before a disaster arises.
- Keep an emergency fund. Having an emergency fund available, with cash available, can ensure that you are prepared no matter what disaster may arise, especially when considering power outages.
- Set up mobile banking. Having mobile access to your banking information can be extremely helpful in the midst of severe weather. This ensures that even if your local bank is closed, you will still have access to your account through your smartphone or tablet.
- Prepare an emergency document kit. Make sure you have copies of all important documents, such as your insurance policy, financial documents, living wills, and more. Keep them in a safe, secure place or even keep photos of them in case of an emergency.
- Review your insurance policy. It is vital to review and understand the insurance policy that you have. Make sure you have the coverage you need; in Florida, it is especially critical to have a policy that covers flood-related damages in the case of a hurricane.
It is critical to be as prepared as possible before facing severe weather, especially when considering your finances.
To ensure you’re prepared for the next hurricane or major storm event, it’s critical for someone to review your policy who knows what to look for, so you can understand what you do and do not have coverage for. Contact us to get your FREE homeowners policy review from one of our experienced attorneys.