by Insurance Litigation Group, P.A. | Aug 15, 2019 | General, Homeowners Insurance, Smoke Damage
Here are some tips on how to deal with cleaning up smoke damage in your home. Evaluate the Damage. When dealing with smoke damage, you should first look and see how severe the damage is. After assessing the damage, you can determine how much you can fix on your own,...
by Insurance Litigation Group, P.A. | Aug 12, 2019 | General, Homeowners Insurance, Hurricanes, Property Insurance
As Phase 2 of Hurricane Season approaches, National Hurricane Center forecasters have begun recognizing new systems that may arise. Meteorologists say that August usually brings more active systems within the Atlantic tropics, and that is exactly what is occurring...
by Insurance Litigation Group, P.A. | Aug 11, 2019 | General, Homeowners Insurance, Hurricane Damage, Property Insurance, Storm Damage, Water Damage
Windstorms can do a lot of damage to one’s home or business, which is why it is so important to prevent it in any way possible. Here are some prevention tips that can help potentially avoid some, or even all possible windstorm damage from occurring in your home or...
by Insurance Litigation Group, P.A. | Aug 1, 2019 | Flood Damage, General, Homeowners Insurance
When buying a new home, you have a lot to consider- your time, patience, commitment and research are all vital components in becoming a homeowner. Buyers consider an abundance of potential issues that may arise while living in their new home- and oftentimes, floods...
by Insurance Litigation Group, P.A. | Jul 13, 2019 | Hurricane Damage
After Hurricane Irma swept across Florida one of the major consequences it left behind was damages regarding electricity. On July 9 of this year, utility regulators signed-off on a $1.3 billion agreement that involves Florida Power & Light’s expenses for the...
by Insurance Litigation Group, P.A. | Jul 12, 2019 | Flood Damage, Homeowners Insurance, Insurance Dispute, Property Insurance
The residents of Florida have dealt with the consequences of hurricanes for years. Home damage and flooding are two major factors that affect the life of all residents. In addition to this, over the past years there has been another major consequence that went from...