On May 21, 2019, more than 30 residents of Nassau County attended a meeting to look at area and floods maps as well as review a study that predicts that areas in and around Callahan are vulnerable for flooding even in the event of a category one hurricane.
The Nassau County record covered the meeting and interviewed different residents who have been victims of the consequences of flooding. Vicki Martin, resident of Roy Booth neighborhood said, “This last time when the water came in, it was twice as fast and deeper. I’ve got pictures of people in a row boat in front of the neighbor’s house.”
The Nassau County Department of Planning and Economic Opportunity Asst is taking a series of steps to prepare for this season and deal with their current situation, as well as finding ways to back up their studies with more scientific facts and data that might help them find a solution.
Read the full article here: https://www.nassaucountyrecord.com/news/study-affirms-callahan-prime-flooding