Dealing with a denied property insurance claim can be frustrating and stressful. After experiencing a covered loss or damage to your property, you rely on your insurance policy to cover the costs. When your claim is denied, it can leave you feeling uncertain about what to do next. Here’s what you should do if your property insurance claim was denied, and how Insurance Litigation Group (ILG) can help.
Review your policy.
The first step in dealing with a denied property insurance claim is to review your policy carefully. Make sure that you understand the terms and conditions of your policy, including the coverage limits, exclusions, and deductibles. It’s essential to understand the reason for the denial so that you can assess your options.
Understand the reason for the rejection.
Most insurance companies provide a reason for claim denials (or partial denials), but it’s essential to understand why your claim was denied. The most common reasons for denials include coverage exclusions and erroneous assertions that damage was caused by wear and tear or that it was pre-existing. Understanding the reason for the denial can help you determine your next steps.
Gather supporting evidence.
If you believe that the claim was wrongly denied, gather any supporting evidence that you may have. This may include photographs of the damage, repair estimates, or witness statements. ILG can help you gather the necessary evidence and prepare a strong case.
If you have exhausted all other options, contact ILG. Our Property Claim Attorneys can help you reopen your past denied homeowner or commercial insurance claim. We will review your policy for free to determine what steps you can take.
Dealing with a denied property insurance claim can be a daunting experience, but it’s important to remember that you have options. If you need help with a property insurance claim rejection, contact ILG today! We are comprised of skilled Florida attorneys who can assist you in examining your policy and the merits of the denial.