FEMA has released new flood maps that has left homeowners with mixed emotions. Some have learned that their homes have gained elevation, while others are feeling uneasy after discovering they have lost it. Bay side homes seem to have gotten better news, while ocean side homes are dealing with updates that are not ideal.
The new flood maps are also causing owners to feel displeased after learning that their flood premiums will increase. These maps have brought confusion upon property owners as well- some buildings have both AE zone and X zone sections, leaving owners to wonder how they should handle their insurance moving forward.
While many are unhappy with the change in elevation, locals who attended a Key Largo floodplain workshop recently have expressed gratitude for their newfound awareness of potential flood problems.
Property owners have the opportunity within 90 days to appeal a change in their flood zone or base flood elevation, and must include detailed, supporting information regarding topographical and hydraulic research. FEMA officials say that such information and data will most likely quite costly- so much as up to $20,000 per challenge.
This map revision’s main goal was to have more properties insured against flooding than before. FEMA is planning on having the new flood maps go into effect in 2021 once appeals have been resolved. To view floodplain maps, click here.